Richard Cadena
Academy of Production Technology

Richard Cadena

Richard Cadena is a 30-year veteran of stage lighting and the author of “Electricity for Entertainment Electricians & Technicians,” “Automated Lighting: The Art and Science of Moving Light,” “Lighting Design for Modern Houses of Worship,” and “Focus on Lighting Technology.” His columns in Lighting & Sound America, Lighting & Sound International, and Protocol magazines are followed by industry professionals all over the globe. He has been an ETCP Certified Entertainment Electrician and an ETCP Recognized Trainer since the inception of the program. As a freelance lighting designer and lighting consultant he has worked on concert tours, television, and theatre, and he has designed dozens of lighting systems for permanent installations. When he’s not working on one lighting project or another he’s...well, let’s be honest…he’s always working on one lighting project or another.
